Upcoming Meetings

Here is a list of resources for learning about upcoming meetings and conferences that may be of interest to structural geologists. If you know of any meetings that should be listed here, please send e-mail to: geotech

AAPG Meetings

AAPG Hedberg Meeting

AGU Meetings

AGU Chapman Conferences

GSA Meetings
    2003 Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington November 2-5, 2003

GSA Penrose Conferences

GSA Field Forums

Structural Controls on Magma Transport and Vertical Coupling in the Lithosphere, April 26 to May 6,  2003 in Fiordland, New Zealand. For more information click here

SGTSG Kalbarri 2003 — The Geological Society of Australia Specialist Group in Structural Geology and Tectonics will hold its biennial field meeting in Kalbarri, Western Australia on September 22-26, 2003.  For more information, contact Alan Collins (alanc@lithos.curtin.edu.au).

Tectonics Studies Group 2003
  Britannia Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, UK – January 8-10, 2003

Terrane Processes at the Pacific Margin of Gondwana (TAPMOG) — sponsored by Tectonics Studies Group, Geochemistry Group, and British Antarctic Survey
   New Hall, Cambridge – September 5 – 6, 2003

Drilling Active Faults in South Africa Mines
  Khaya Ibhusei, northwestern Witwatersrand basin, South Africa – Sept. 23-26, 2002

Oil and Gas in Compressional Belts
  NEW: Joint meeting of Tectonic Studies Group with Petroleum Group, September 10-11,  2002 at The Geological Society, Burlington House, London.  Abstract deadline is April 12, 2002. For more information or abstract submission, contact Dr. Tim Needham (tim@rdr.leeds.ac.uk).

16th International Basement Tectonics Association Conference — “Basement – Cover Connections”
Rolla, Missouri, USA – May 19-24 , 2002.

REALMOD 2002“Modelling Reality:  The Reality of Modelling Tectonics and Exploration Geophysics versus Analogue and Numerical Models”
San Donato Milanese, Italy – October 2-4, 2002.

16th AGC – Australian Geological Convention 2002
Adelaide, South Australia – June 30 to July 5,  2002.

5th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics — Deadline for abstracts & registration is April 1, 2002
Université P. Sabatier Toulouse France – September 16-18, 2002.
For more information, ISAG@cict.fr

TRANSALP Conference:  A Crustal Section through the Eastern Alps
Trieste, Italy – February 10-12, 2003. Pre-registration deadline is April 15, 2002.